Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux nouvelles collaboratrices au sein de notre équipe ;
Elle assurent le suivi gynécologique (suivi annuel, contraception, frottis ,etc) et participent à nos activités actuelles : consultations mère-enfant, suivi d’allaitement, rééducation périnéale, préparation à la naissance ,etc.
Nous continuons ainsi à assurer toutes les activités du cabinet, afin de vous accompagner tout au long de votre vie de femme.

Early prenatal interview of the 4th month

An interview is now offered to all pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy. Its objectives are prevention, education and guidance. It is part of preparation for birth and parenthood and should not be used as a substitute for pregnancy follow-up consultations.

This interview with a midwife takes approximately 45 minutes. It is called the fourth month interview but may take place later during pregnancy.
This is an intimate exchange with your midwife, where you can ask questions about pregnancy and childbirth, discuss difficulties. Your midwife will be at your disposal to advise you, guide you if necessary and accompany you. This first contact encourages your investment